
Governance Vacancies

The Governing Body currently has vacancies. If you would like to obtain further information on how you can support the school by joining the Governing Body, please contact the Chair of Governing Body at

We currently have a number of vacancies for the role of Co-opted Governor on our Governing Body.
The school’s Governing Body is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school’s educational and financial performance. The Governing Body is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

We are looking for Governors with a wide range of experience, so if you have a background in business, finance, or health and safety, this is the perfect chance to apply your expertise and contribute to the strategic direction of our school. Your knowledge and experience will be a valuable asset as we work together to create a safe, enriching, and well-managed learning environment.

As a Governor, you’ll work with the Governing Body to ensure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You’ll also play a vital role in ensuring that the Governing Body is connected with, and is aware of the views of, parents and the local community.